
How to Achieve All of Your Goals

More often than not when people learn about all the projects I manage at once, and notice that I actually COMPLETE them... they always ask me the same question, "How do you get all this stuff done?" For me, it boils down to a simple process that I go through every time I set a Oakley Sunglasses Cheap goal for myself. Whether the goal is to get in better shape (like losing 4 pounds in the last 10 days), launch a new program, create a new website, meet a particular expert or publish a book... the process is always the same.

Now, before I share my process with you, let me assure you that "I" don't get all this stuff done. I do some of it, and my fantastic (and growing) team does the rest. Many people are shocked to find out that I Replica Oakley Sunglasses,rarely work on Fridays, don't work on weekends and still have plenty of time to go to the gym six times per week, cook for my family and play with my daughter (Hi-Ho-Cherry-O is her favorite game). And, I take at least two vacations a year, not including a whole bunch of weekend family trips. For me, this is the only way to run a business... so that it doesn't run you.

Anyway, let's get into my five-step strategy Christian Dior Sunglasses, to help you achieve all of your goals:

1. Know WHY You Want To Achieve The Goal.

