
It’s that time of the year again

It’s that time of the year again.? Allergies are plentiful, flu’s are abating and the worst affliction of all, summer fever is setting in.? I love this time of year in Charleston.? The weather is beautiful, the sky is blue and best of all the dreaded humidity of late summer has not yet reared its ugly head.

It does not matter what time of the year it is, we all get distracted from time to time.? Whether it is a physical illness, having to take care of a child or an elderly parent, a problem in our relationships or we become disgruntled at work.? At sometime or another, we find our minds wondering and our emotions being less then cooperative.

I work with many companies coaching people one on one, in teams and conducting workshops on the effect peoples relationships have on their job performance.? I like to say that we have three relationships in our lives.? Our personal relationships, our professional relationships and most importantly, the relationship we have with ourselves.

Before I began to work with companies, I of course did my research.? In the diligent pursuit of knowledge, I discovered a new word. ?I had never heard of the word before and it puzzled me.? After percolating on it for awhile, I had another one of my many “Ha, Cha” moments.? The word I learned is “Presenteeism.”? I would like to share with you the awareness I had with that word.

