
It's going to be done in stages because of the economy

Like the Flyers, the Sixers also have slumped hard in the final weeks and need a win in Wednesday's
finale to clinch a winning record for the first time in six years Prada Sunglasses.
But after a dreadful 27-win season, Collins has the Sixers playing hard and believing they can beat
any team.
"It's certainly better than the alternative," Snider said. "I think it's all been Doug's influence.
He's done an incredible job. I feel really good about the fact that we are in the playoffs and I
feel really good about our future Louis Vuitton Sunglasses."
— On bringing the NHL's Winter Classic to Philadelphia, "I hope so, but I have no knowledge one
way or the other. I'd love to have it here."
— On the Philly Live! entertainment complex set to take the place of the demolished Spectrum,
"We're just about breaking ground on the world's largest sports bar on the corner of 11th and
Pattison. We're looking at the potential of a four-star or five-star hotel Replica Oakley Sunglasses. Nothing's been scaled
back. It's going to be done in stages because of the economy."

