
If you’ve been contemplating

If you’ve been contemplating joining the masses and becoming a blogger, you know good and well just how difficult it is to break free from the “personal diary” mindset and break into the “business blogging” mindset. It’s easy to talk about daily life. It’s easy to discuss client woes with trusted colleagues or share client triumphs with prospects, friends, and family members. But when it comes to balancing professionalism with friendliness, it’s an entirely different ball game, isn’t it?

So what should go into designing your real estate blog, and what type of content should you post? That’s where things get easy.

First, design a real estate blog that fits your personality and that of your office.

If you are going to rely heavily on your office’s brand, stick to using colors that match the main company’s website. If, however, you want to develop your own brand—because you know one day you’re going to become a broker yourself—think about colors you want others to associate with you.

