
The definition of Presenteeism is

The definition of Presenteeism is: When an employee shows up for work who is physically present, but not fully accounted for mentally or emotionally.? Think about that.? How many times can you recall when you were at work but your mind was focused on a different issue or situation and you were unable to really be present in the moment?? Sometimes as someone was talking, the words went in one ear and out the other because your mind was blocked with your own thoughts.? Or, you were a tad edgy and became testy with a co-worker or customer.? ?I know for myself, I have had many bouts of terminal Presenteeism from time to time.

There are four main causes for this insidious disease.? It can be because of health issues like allergies, migraines and stress.? It can be from personal issues like the care of a child, an elderly parent or financial issues.? It can be related to work like dissatisfaction with your position, not getting a promotion or knowing you should be doing something else with your life.? The final issue is our relationship in the three areas of our lives.? It is this last condition that I work with companies on and I am writing about today.

Presenteeism is a very costly bug to have.? According to the Harvard Business Review, Presenteeism costs American business $150 billion dollars annually. ?To compare that number, in 2006 the total profit for all Fortune 500 companies was $785 billion. ?Presenteeism also accounts for 61% of an employee’s total lost productivity and medical costs.? In a study by CCH Human Resources they found that the costs of decreased productivity are 7.5 times greater then costs due to absenteeism.? This translates into an approximate average loss in productivity due to Presenteeism of $3287 per employee per year.? If you have a company with 1000 employees, that is $ 3.2 million dollars of lost productivity per year.? No small potatoes in that number.

