
What role does music play in your life

Dime: How much are you involved with the designs and the marketing?LW: It’s not something that I just put a bunch of money into and just sit back for a check. I sit in the meetings and we go over the different designs, colors, layouts and schemes that we want to do Coach Sunglasses.
Dime: What’s your target audience for the brand, and where can we find it?LW: 18-30 is probably our demographic as far as the products and things we’re promoting on the t-shirts. We’ve mainly been going viral, but now we’re starting to get into the boutique stores and expand the brand a little more Dolce & Gabbana Sunglasses. Right now, we’re on EvolRocx.com, and we’re still working on getting it in boutiques. There’s been a demand for the product, but we don’t have quite enough to put it in the stores.
Dime: Also in the documentary, we see you’re heavy in the music game Armani Sunglasses. What role does music play in your life?

