
the top is a solid wall 50 meters high

Embankment near the arch can be seen on a circle, said here there was a built in 1st century AD, particularly the Sudan called Maida cone fountains. Old track still exist today, but the fountain had dried up 2. Roman Colosseum (Colosseum), also translated as the Roman arena, the Colosseum in Rome, the Roman amphitheater, colosseum, chloroform Sam, formerly known as Frederick Levin amphitheater (Amphitheatrum Flavium), located in the heart of Rome, Italy today is the largest circular Roman arena, built in AD 72 to 82 years, is the only remaining relics. Colosseum from the 维斯西巴安 (Vespasian) ordered the construction of the emperor, in his son, built during the reign of Domitian, the Roman Empire is one of the landmark buildings. Colosseum, the Roman emperor Nero built in another Roman Colosseum is the place to hold human-animal performance, participants with a gladiator to fight until the death of one animal so far, there are a fight between people. According to Roman historian Diodorus Casey ust (Dio Cassius) of the records, when the Romans built the Colosseum held a 100-day celebration, killing 9,000 head of cattle. Colosseum this architectural form originated in ancient Greece, theater, when the theater is built hillside, semicircular layers of the audience raised on the hillside. But in the Roman period, people started to use arch structure will rack up the auditorium, and two semi-circular theater docking, thus creating a so-called amphitheater (amphitheatrum), and no longer need the backing and built. The Colosseum is the largest Roman Empire an oval-shaped arena, it is 187 meters long axis, short axis of 155 meters, 527 meters circumference, central for the performing area, 86 meters long axis, short axis of 54 meters, the ground covered the floor, around the outside layers of the stand. Stands about 60 rows, divided into five areas, the bottom row is the VIP (such as veterans, sir, priests, etc.) District, the second layer for the nobility, the third area is the wealthy use, by the Fourth District ordinary citizens to use, the last area is the use of women to the bottom, all stand seats. There in the audience with the suspension hanging canopy, which is used to shade; and canopy tilted toward the middle for easy ventilation. The canopy, colonnade by the sailors standing on the top sailing as they like the control manipulation. Colosseum stands with the three-tier system of cylindrical concrete arch, each arch 80 to form a ring three times Voucher Gallery of different heights (the arch propped up the corridor), the top is a solid wall 50 meters high .

