
it is very unusual calm

Five o'clock, the first advance party of the first field army special forces prepared three hundred people, into the town, get rolling, get started full roll took over the Japanese radar station.
After the completion of the transfer, which led the special operations Liangquan You are lost in the mountains of eastern Burma in Okawa, never a trace.
The attack occurred as the action get rolling, July 8, 2042 morning, in Burma and Indochina, and many of the Japanese radar station in a special place in strategic places.
A series of actions to the southwest, special operations forces commander Zhou Gang Shan arrived in person to deploy Southwest, and starting from May to the mobilization of the five special operations brigade, one thousand seven hundred people attended the special warfare operations. To the morning of July 8, Japan, Indochina and Myanmar at the radar station are all special operations forces take away pot.
Because special operations forces operations very closely, and in the successful control of these radar war, SCS members to continue to the Japanese name and kept in touch with the local military airport, so, despite the special combat soldiers overnight, end out the size of the Japanese nearly twenty radar, get rid of the Japanese nearly ten thousand people, but did not disturb the Japanese army in Indochina and Myanmar troops.
July 8, 1942, the Japanese military in Myanmar Lashio Myanmar and India to send a military airport, it is very unusual calm.

