
and armor penetration capability is relatively strong

Since early May, the Japanese began to advance to the Jharkhand main battle line, the Lashio military airport on the Japanese rear area into a reserve airport, on the one hand as a long-range bombing mission, the other as the ground in China vigilance tasks.
In the military airport, currently stationed all kinds of Japanese planes more than two hundred aircraft, of which the main bomber force. Because the waves break on the company jet, and the Chinese military and civilian large-scale long-range aircraft in use, therefore, also led the world when the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union, Japan, Germany, Italy and other countries the rapid development of military aircraft.
Although today's world, in addition to China, no country has mastered the jet engine technology, but large-scale aircraft and the fortunes of countries are already developing in the direction the Air Force.
Starting from 2041, four engines and six-engine long-range bombers have been in the United States, Japan and Germany come out.
Currently, the Japanese Galaxy IV engine and super-heavy long-range bombers have been more than four thousand kilometers range, combat radius has reached more than two thousand kilometers, and armor penetration capability is relatively strong.

